Henry David Thoreau – Walden
Written on 04/08/2009 – 00:27 | by admin |Henry David Thoreau: Thoreau embarked on a two-year experiment in simple living on July 4, 1845, when he moved to a small self-built house of Walden Pond. >

Henry David Thoreau: Thoreau embarked on a two-year experiment in simple living on July 4, 1845, when he moved to a small self-built house of Walden Pond. >
"Jogltisch", table from the Austrian "Joglland", about 1800
Michael Thonet: "Stuhl Nr.14", 1859 This simple chair embodied innovative and radical methods of both processing and construction. 1850 Michael Thonet developed a process of steam bending laminated and solid wood rods and strips. This bentwood method allowed tight continiuous curves to be produced without the use of carving or of glued joints, and was […]
Adolf Loos: "Loos Café Museum Chair" for the Café Museum in Vienna, 1898