Donald Judd Prototype Desk
Written on 06/04/2009 – 19:41 | by admin |Donald Judd: Prototype Desk, 1978 >

Donald Judd: Prototype Desk, 1978 >
Vincent Kohler: "Billon", 2007
Franco Albini: "Albini Desk", 1939
Industrial Facility: Enchord table, 2008
Kaare Klint: "Card table", 1934
Jean Nouvel: "Less Table", pultruded and welded steel, 1994 >
Max Bill, Hans Gugelot, Paul Hildinger: "HfG-Hocker", 1954
Martin Creed: Work No. 786, 2007 1/4” Plywood
"Jogltisch", table from the Austrian "Joglland", about 1800
Konstantin Grcic: "Diana A" side table, 2002